Time Hoppers follows the adventures of four gifted children from Vancouver’s Aqli Academy in the year 2050. When Abdullah, Aysha, Khalid and Layla stumble upon the ability to time travel, they are thrust into an adventure along the historic Silk Road to save the great scientists of that era from an evil time travelling alchemist named Fasid. Will the Time Hoppers be able to save the foundations of modern science and safely return home?
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Free Download Limited-time Offer“A story that is from us that everyone can enjoy. It’s very important. The children need it. The children need to see themselves in cartoons.”
“Many of the things that we use today, we don’t realize were actually invented by Muslims. I feel a lot of Muslim youth, when they learn about this aspect of their own history, it builds a level of confidence in themselves.”
“What’s so important about this series is it builds pride in one’s Muslim identity where kids are understanding who they should look up to as their heroes.”